Patent Pending Fork Grabber Hitch. Uses Mechanical Clamping Mechanism to Secure Attachment to Forks.
Fork Rack for safely storing and handling forklift forks.This Patented American made product is designed as a safety solution for installing and removing forklift forks.
Mobile Auger Rack for Moving, Storing, and Handling Skid Steer Auger Bits and Drive Motors. Designed to fit in a pickup bed. Holds 1-24", 1-18", 2-12", or smaller augers, including the drive motor and fork attachment.
Excavator Bucket Rack (EBR-3). Loaded using a Excavator Bucket Hook (EBH-4) for Wayne Roy Couplers. Utilized our Patented Fork Grabber Hitch (FGH-1) or similar forklift hitch. All products are Patented or Patent Pending
How to use Auger Rack's Forklift Fork Hook (FH-1) to handle, move and organize forklift forks. Shown in use with our fork storage solution, the Fork Rack (FR-3), and our Fork Grabber Hitch (FGH-1).
An animation demonstrating how to put drive motors on the SSDMR-3